
SOURCE Update 5

A little old lady is starved for companionship, so she buys a couple of monkey. The years go by and she becomes very attached to them. As it happens, both monkeys die on the same day. Not wanting to part with them she takes the dead monkeys to the taxidermist. The taxidermist askes her, "Would you like them mounted?"

"No," she replies, "just holding hands."

Nice one with the murals and the rats!

I feel like a normal dog would hate this.

I feel like I have posted this pic before.


Paleface face-ass? I don't get this. It's an ad for suntan lotion I think.

Chinese theater.

Good old days.

Straightforward and instructive. Very helpful.

No words. Wait, is that thing dead?

I feel like I posted this pic already, also.

I think this is a harmonium. Invented by Ben Franklin, never got very popular because it tends to make people sick to their stomachs. You wet your fingers and these glass thingies spin around. It's like that trick with your finger and the wine glass that really doesn't impress anybody at the table but an instrument.

The band Air is alright, but I'm really liking their visual style. Like they have band practice in a mountain-top space studio on Mars.

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