
Did you know...?

That the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was also a homeless Chinese man in the 1930's? Not much is known about this period in President Obama's life, except what is captured here in Tang Yingwei's 1936 woodcut:
El Presidente
Examining the image further, we can identify the President's clearly recognizable philtrum, as well as his unkempt state of chin hair affairs.
El face-o de la Presidente
Also note the bags under President Obama's eyes and strained facial lines, most likely due the long hours spent toiling in the rice fields under the hot Chinese double-sun.
El moutho de la Presidente
The weariness in the President's expression suggests a lack of proper amounts of sleep due to being homeless, as well as the constant threat of SARS/dragon attack. Also, what the hell is that guy doing back there? Is he dancing? It looks like he's dancing.
Philtrum-o de la Presidente
And there you have it. We will be researching this further as more sources become available, and hopefully we'll be able to shed some more light on President Obama's mysterious past.

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