The latest provocation in a series of missile and nuclear tests has the global community urging current North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, to reverse his brinksmanshippery and return to vehicular form.

Kim Jong Il in offensive mode, ready to strike
The most recent crisis was kicked off this Sunday when Kim Jong Il, attempting once again to gain international attention, changed from his normal form, a go-kart, into his combat state, bristling with weaponry. In this form he would be able to unleash tremendous destruction upon South Korea, with implications that even Japan could be within range of the rockets that launch from his kneecaps, which have allegedly been upgraded from what we saw in the North Korean transformer crisis of 2006.
President Barack Obama has yet to announce additional economic sanctions on Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or plans of increased engagement with Pyongyang. So far the U.S. and the U.N. have roundly condemned North Korea's latest attempt to incite fear in the hearts of its regional neighbors and the world community. The President has been quoted as saying, "It will not stand for North Korea and Kim Jong Il to threaten the peace of Northeast Asian and freedom-lovin' peoples everywhere with threats of vehicle-robot-hybrid proliferation."

President Obama
Kim Jong Il's father and founder of the D.P.R.K. Kim Il Sung has been safely stored in a memorial garage since his passing in 1994.

Kim Il Sung in 1992
Read the full story here.
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