Remember those drawings you used to do in fourth grade of your ultimate dream house? You know the one with the McDonald's for a kitchen, rooftop pool/helipad, fireman's pole going from your bedroom down to your secret underwater submarine base/bowling alley/movie theater, and a moat filled with alligators, sharks, and alligator/shark hybrids? Well, somebody actually built that house, and thought of one way better than your idiot 10-year-old brain ever did.
Recognize this guy?

Yes, you do. His name is Richard Garriott, AKA Lord British. He created the first MMORPG and is now so goddamned rich that he paid his way into space. As in the thing that is
not Earth. In a similar manner he built that which is the most holy of nerddom,
Britannia Manor. There is also some pretty serious virtual reality/actual reality crossover stuff going on here that I don't really understand. Just watch the damn
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